

  • I grew up in a small town in Oklahoma.
  • I graduated with a degree in Interior Merchandising and am in no way using it.
  • I clean up nice, but would much rather be hiking and getting dirty.
  • I simply cannot survive without coffee
  • Ryan sometimes makes fun of me for my southern accent.


  • I grew up in the “booming” metropolis of Pryor Creek, Oklahoma.
  • I love fishing, hunting, hiking, and any other activity in the great outdoors.
  • I changed my major 9 times before finally deciding to put my English talents to good use and became a literature major with a minor in Philosophy.
  • I am incredibly tall, 6’6″, and please don’t ask me if I play basketball. No. I do not.
  • I have a passion for travel and photography. Most of the photos on the blog are mine!


We met in 2008 while both attending college at Oklahoma State University. We quickly realized that we were better together than apart and have spent nearly every minute since our first date side-by-side. Ryan still had a couple of years left to finish when I graduated in 2009, so we moved in together and never looked back. We finally tied the knot after being together for three years, much to the relief of our family members.

However, we knew that our adventures together were only just beginning. Scared of jumping into careers and families likes many newly weds, we instead decided to find a way to travel the world. After almost a year of research, we set our sights on teaching English in South Korea. In 2012, Ryan graduated from college and two months later we landed in Seoul. For our first year in Korea we lived and taught in the big city, but for our second year, we moved to a smaller city on the sea called Yeosu. Come follow along as we travel through life together!

Want to know more? Check out some of our other posts:

2 years!


Why Korea?

The Adventure Continues!

10 thoughts on “About

  1. Lauren Jarman says:

    Hi there, thanks so much for following Sneakers, Socks and Soju. I love stumbling across blogs by other foreigners living in Korea and reading about experiences that I can relate to! Keep the posts coming in 2014.

  2. rodi (Rob and Diane) says:

    I just discovered your excellent blog. I came across it while scouring for blogs with a somewhat similar topic to mine. While envious of your life experiences and often wishing I had a chance to do it over, now that I was recently laid off, my 30 years in a cubicle are over. Diane and I and I decided to retire early and try life as an overseas expat next spring. Hopefully we have many years to catch up !
    I’m curious why you chose that part of SE Asia?

    Thanks; I look forward to following you and reading more interesting posts
    Rob and Diane

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