Explore More – Angkor Wat Video

In a previous post (click here to see that one) we described our visit to the Angkor Wat Complex while we were in Cambodia last Winter. We shared some pictures and described the awesome emotions that this storied temple can imbue upon its visitors, but we didn’t get around to sharing the video footage we shot. While the previous Angkor Wat post focused mainly on our perspective and wonder while in the temple complex, video has a way of allowing viewers to experience it a bit for themselves. I don’t know if it is the movement of the images or the panning of the lens that makes for a more imaginative look at a place, but video can certainly do things that pictures and words cannot.

We hope you enjoy our video as much as we enjoyed making it. Videos always take longer to shoot AND produce than pictures, but I hope you can forgive the time that has elapsed and enjoy this video from the amazing Angkor Wat Complex.


18 thoughts on “Explore More – Angkor Wat Video

  1. Lindsay @ The Neverending Wanderlust says:

    Thanks SO MUCH for posting this video. It really took me back to when I was there in January and I can really see the benefit of shooting video + photos! I particularly loved the part where you talked about the sheer size of the Angkor Complex… My stubborn ass decided to walk from Angkor Wat to Angkor Thom—-not the best decision I made haha. I didn’t realize how massive the complex was either!

    You’ve definitely inspired me to start trying my hand at video–thanks again for sharing this 🙂

    • Hedgers Abroad says:

      We really enjoy doing videos. For me, it’s a lot of fun editing and shooting them. The only problem is once you get started, it’s difficult to stop buying more equipment and it is not a cheap hobby haha. Ah well, it is worth it to us for the memories!

  2. Charisse Windebank says:

    Very nice! I hope to visit such a beautiful place. Well done on the shooting and editing. How long did it take for the final cut? I haven’t tried my hand on videos yet, but will definitely have to try soon.

    • Hedgers Abroad says:

      Thanks, we really like making the videos as well as taking photos and writing. Stephanie does all of our editing because she’s really good at it, and we only have one laptop, so it kinda became her baby. Most of the into-clips and stuff were made beforehand, but this video probably took her a couple of days of working on it after dinner and sorting through all of the video we shot. She’s getting really fast with the editing. Used to take her days or weeks of constant work back when she first started because she’s a bit of a perfectionist. Pays off, though!

  3. Rafiqua says:

    Lovely video! I hope that I can visit Cambodia before I leave Korea…although I highly doubt that I have the time. The temple ruins looks so rich in history. How do you find the time to make cool videos when you’re busy travelling! I have no time to blog when I’m on the go. Good on you!

    • Hedgers Abroad says:

      Thanks! Cambodia is definitely worth a visit, and the Angkor Complex is a must-see! We had a great time, and we will certainly go back someday. We really enjoy making the videos, and we look for opportunities to shoot video when we can but a lot of it is, like you said, determined by our pace. If we are taking our time we do a much better job of shooting some video for later. Even if that means turning it into a video 4 months later…

  4. Jackie Park says:

    This visual tour of Angkor Wat is so cool! I really want to go to Cambodia now! Some parts (like the place with the monkeys) reminded me of China and the time that my hubby and I traveled there, I miss being on an adventure! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    • Hedgers Abroad says:

      Well we are glad you enjoyed it! Monkeys are a hotly contested thing in the Hedger Household. I think they’re outrageously funny, but Stephanie HATES them. Filming and photographing them all fell on me because Stephanie is off camera nervously hiding behind me! We haven’t been to China yet, but I’ll let her know that we’ll be in for more monkey encounters.

  5. Laura says:

    Great video! Angkor Wat is one of my top places I’ve wanted to see since I was a kid. Thanks for the heads up on how massive the complex is. Just watching this video made me super excited and eager to start looking into my next vacation plans. Cheers! x

    • Hedgers Abroad says:

      Thank you and you’re right to be excited about it. It’s an amazing place and I’m sure you’ll love it. Each temple is very different, so give yourself. at least, a few days to explore all of the ruins. Thanks for commenting and watching our video!

  6. Wendy Flor says:

    Aren’t those monkeys fascinating? I made a mistake of carrying a milk tetra pack for my son while we were in Batu Cave, KL. A monkey grabbed the milk from my hand! SO Yeah, I’m scared!!!

    Your video is so professonally done. It’s a treat to watch and see how you seem to effortlessly put them all together. Kudos!

    • Hedgers Abroad says:

      That’s hilarious! We didn’t have any snacks because we figured they would melt in the heat, but we did see roving bands of these monkeys being fed by tourists (a big no-no) and looking for opportunities to steal more food. Lots of fun to sit back and watch monkeys doing monkey-stuff.

      Thanks for the compliment and for watching! We really enjoy doing videos and Stephanie is getting very good at editing! I’ll make sure she sees all of the compliments her masterful work is getting!

  7. Nathan Anderson says:

    Ah, this video was great! It really took me back to the feeling of awe I felt when I visited. It was so weird to feel a sense of deja vu in some of those shots.

    I’ve got to echo Wendy for this next bit: your videos are so well done! Solid editing, focused dialogue, and engaging throughout… nice work 🙂

    • Hedgers Abroad says:

      Thanks, Nathan! Having these videos online is an interesting medium for remembering later. Like you said, we get deja vu, too, when we watch, which is interesting. Videos certainly spark different memories than photos do, which is a major reason that we make them.

      And thanks for being so complementary! We always ed up with a ton of footage, so this is 6 or so minutes of the most interesting bits paired with Stephanie’s awesome editing skills.

  8. Duke Stewart says:

    Wow! What an awesome video! I’d like to get into videos but like you said, they take a lot of time. I’ve just started to get into photos so videos would just be impossible right now.

    Like Nathan said, it certainly took me back to Angkor and makes me want to go back asap! Maybe minus the heat, I guess:)

    I love your videos and look forward to seeing more! Thanks for sharing this.

    • Hedgers Abroad says:

      Thanks, Carl! As you know, we enjoy making them, but it is another beast to tame. The hardest part is remembering to shoot constantly. I’m always bouncing around taking photos, but Stephanie does an excellent job reminding me to balance it with filming as well. We always have hours of footage by the end of it from the Canon and the GoPro, so sifting through it all ends up being rather time consuming. In the end, though, it’s totally worth it.

      We’re glad you enjoyed it and were transported back to Angkor Wat while watching. The heat certainly was an exhausting element, but we’d return in a heartbeat. Hopefully next time we can go in the summer when the moss turns green and makes the stones even more dramatic!

  9. Meaghan Wray says:

    Awesome video. I’m so in love with Cambodia and I haven’t even been there yet. Would love to know what camera and editing software you use. I’ve loved your videos!

    • Hedgers Abroad says:

      Thanks, Meaghan! I love editing photos, but there is just something about a video that really takes you to a place. We’ve been using PowerDirector 13 recently and we use a Canon 6D and GoPro Hero 3 Plus for most of the shots.

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